Tips for parents to naturally develop their toddlers

Tips for parents to naturally develop their toddlers

Children start their development from the earliest days. The process is step-by-step and quite fast in most cases. That’s why we should know how to help our little ones develop naturally. Starting from 1 year, new and more complicated abilities start to appear. Kids improve coordination, while their actions become more independent. Fine/gross motor skills are the most essential at the age of 1-3 years. How can moms and dads support their progress?

The essence of motor abilities

Such abilities are a general term that determines a function, which involves specific movements of various types of muscles of the body. They help kids perform certain tasks including walking, holding, running, and others. These skills are divided into 2 groups:

  • Such type of abilities refers to smaller muscles, in other words, those in the hands/fingers. When they are developing, a kid gradually learns to hold/grasp/pinch/grip. A few examples of well-developed abilities include the abilities to stack items, put objects in a container, clap hands, scribble with a pencil, put on shoes/clothes, etc.
  • Here, the movements of large muscles (arms/legs/torso) come to stage. Kids learn how to jump, throw objects, run, & crawl. The more such aptitudes get developed, the more active your little one becomes.

Manipulative skills and their development

For each child, the pace of progress might be individual. At the same time, there’re always several ‘checkpoints’ for every range. Here are the average periods for manipulative aptitudes:

  • 5-6 MTH: grasping various items with hands.
  • 6 MTH-1 Y: playing with playthings that they hold in their hands.
  • 1 Y-18 MTH: the progress in complex aptitudes (drinking from a cup/cribbing with a pencil/dressing up).
  • 2 YRS-3 YRS: the aptitudes become more sophisticated, kinds start express their interests (writing/drawing), gradually learn to turn doorknobs, & do other things.
  • By 5 YRS: by this time, a toddler can already choose a preferable hand for manipulations, writing, & drawing.

There exist numerous ways to improve motor aptitudes. Here are the most popular and effective ones:

  1. Use blocks/puzzles.
  2. Play with sand.
  3. Use various pyramids.
  4. Use a playdough to create various shapes.
  5. Manipulate with thread beads.
  6. Touch various textures and shapes.

The best way is to provide our little ones with useful and supporting playthings such as a baby play gym. Such a toy can be used in various ways at different stages of progress. The smallest babies can just follow cute hanging toys with their eyes gradually learning to differentiate their shapes and colors. While getting older, children can touch the toys with various textures with their hands, which will have a positive impact on the evolution of manipulative skills.

Large muscle control and its progress

The evolution of such aptitudes also starts from the earliest age. Small babies kick their legs, wave their arms, & do the other still uncontrolled movements. Consider the main stages of motor aptitudes progress:

  • From 2 MTH: basic uncontrolled movements of legs/hands.
  • From 6 to 8 MTH: reach and roll the objects, sit independently.
  • From 12 to 18 MTH: the majority of kids start walking within this period.
  • From 18 MTH to 2 YRS: physical activity becomes more intensive, children learn to jump over objects/throw a ball/walk up (down) stairs.
  • From 2 YRS to 3 YRS: more complicated movements such as fast running, barrier avoidance, & independent stair climbing become possible.
  • From 3 YRS to 5 YRS: the progress continues allowing kids to keep balance, climb, etc.

For the nice and natural progress in large muscle control, it’s required to provide an appropriate and still safe environment, which will help a little one to explore. Note that every kid will always want to discover his/her physical limits, so accidental falls/bumps are inevitable. To support a little one on the way to development, moms and dads can:

  1. Turn on the music and dance together.
  2. Try to involve kids in everyday tasks.
  3. Play a ball together.
  4. Walk together and visit specially equipped playgrounds.
  5. Offer a kid to try catching the bubbles.
  6. Buy special toys to ride/push.

Useful support for moms & dads

Every kid’s unique and has his/her own pace. Nevertheless, if a parent feels that there’re certain problems with the progress in fine/gross motor aptitudes, feel free to ask for professional advice. Thus, if a kid is 2-3 YRS old and isn’t able to run/walk up (down) stairs/use small items/scribble with a pencil, or lost any physical abilities he/she used to have, it’s strongly recommended to visit a doctor/nurse.

Besides, it’s always possible to contact Parentline in your area to obtain professional recommendations and more info.

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